Another Psychonauts Project!?

As you will undoubtedly remember, the last time I did a Psychonauts project was a pro-school-hearted poster for a contest, which admittedly was not the most creative or successful venture  on my front.

This  year the chance for redemption has come. Having been assigned a Video Game Launch Set project, where-in we have to design at least a five piece package to come with the release or re-release of our chosen games.

Picking a game was rather challenging. Top contenders included:

  • Street Fighter
  • Tomba
  • DigDug
  • and dozens more!

But I settled on Psychonauts as this would let me do a good bit with the time and money I will be putting into it. 1) I will have some pieces for a Halloween/con costume that will totally kick butt! 2) My brother’s birthday is coming up, and he was the one in our house who bought the game that melted our minds. 3) REDEMPTION!

It is still pretty conceptual at this stage, though I have solidified a flight pilot’s cap and goggles to get Razputin’s headgear going. Other ideas for items to hide inside include camp badge buttons, soundtrack, Mind door key chain, capNgogglez, candy figments, hacky sack, Bottle of “milk”, etc.



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