16 Week Project Blues

Or: Reflections On Time Management

It is at this point in the semester that I must admit regretfully that I haven’t been planning out time to do some of the 5 projects that go into the sixteen week project and haven’t got much more that light sketching and the other projects to show for it.

With about 5 weeks left in the semester, this leaves me needing to complete one a week each week until the semester is over. First up is the website re-design, which now has most of its theme constructed, so mostly I just need to construct the rest of the page for 3 pages: Home, Contact, and FAQs/Quickstart.

Since my time management skills have not been the best, I’ve decided to commit to “at least 30 minutes of work” on the 16 week project every day, if not more time. As long as I plan for it, I will do at least 30 minutes, and usually once I get going that long I want to keep going or “reach a good stopping point.” I am trying to remember where I read about this trick, commit to at least a bit. I’ve used it before to get exercise done, so I think it will work out well here.

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