Horizon Cellars Wine Labels

Horizon Cellars Wine Bottle Mockup

While its sister winery provides clients with wonderful and challenging wines, Horizon Cellars offers simpler, less intimidating wines for new drinkers. With that in mind, the designs for their three different wines were kept minimal.

The Three Brothers Classic Mead, named for the simplicity in its ingredients, reflects a similar minimalism on its label. A geometric “honeycomb” with a rough ellipse knocked out provides focus to the label, while the Roman type and paper hint at the earliest mead recipes from the 13th century.

The Cabernet Franc label follows a classic look for wine labels, while eliminating information, such as grape variety, which may be intimidating to some drinkers. The Stamp was designed for this label, but works well in a various applications.

The Carolina Comfort Red label is short, sweet, and straight to the point, which perfectly reflects the simplicity in its flavor as a sweeter red for newer red wine drinkers.

Horizon Cellars Stamp Logo

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